? ??????????????Colors Collide? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (2 Ratings)??74 Grabs Today. 3717 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????Skull Fracture? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??44 Grabs Today. 1340 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???? BLOGGER TEMPLATES - TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Over the Shoulder Boulder Holders

After having Liam my bra size went from pretty damn big to ridiculous.   I went from wearing a bra to wearing an over the shoulder boulder holder. 
I've started debating having a reduction, especially if I have any more children.  Two full cups sizes with the first was more than enough.  Soon I won't have to wear a bra, but a lace covered donkey to haul these puppies around.  For those who don't have big breasts, you aren't missing out.  In addition to the back pain, shoulder pain and even bone deterioration from strap, they choke you.  Some people laugh, but it's true.  Real breasts fall into your under arm when you lay back.  But really big breasts fall into your under arm and into your throat.  "Your throat?" you say.  Yup.  And they essentially smother you.  (Not a bad way to go, but still.)
Luckily I found this amazing little shop in Red Bank, New Jersey that sells A-J bras.  Though pricey the bra is beautiful, fits like a glove and has amazing support.
Now my inner debate is, do I plan for surgery in the next five years, and wind up with smaller more managable breasts.  Will my insurance pay for it without a drawn out hassel?  Do they ever do anything without a hassle? 
I've had large breasts as long as I've had breasts.  Will my identity and feeling of self change after surgery?  Roseann covered the topic on her show years ago, and though I laughed I understood her worries.  Will her husband still find her attractive?  Will it work and make a noticeable difference?  Can I handle the pain? I guess it can sit on the back burner until after the next little egg comes about.
Would you change your breast size?  Go bigger?  Go smaller?  Get a lift?  Why?